Julia and Asa
When — February 2023
Where — UGA Parking Deck
What — Individual & Couple Session
Wee Oop for Asa & Julia
I could write a book on how much I adore these two. They are two of the original Thursday Night Dinner Squad Members and share some of my favorite college memories.
Some of you may know, and for those who do not, during college I was in a community service sorority. It brought me new opportunities, new friends, and filled my day-to-day college life with intentionality. My second year into the sorority it was my turn to become a “Big” to a new pledge class member. The way this process worked is you would go on dates with different girls to get to know them and to see how you jive together. It was my “Penguin Pal Date” with Julia’s sister, Addie that I knew we’d all be friends (Have I lost you yet?)
Julia and Addie immediately became regular fixtures in my life. Whether it was Starbucks runs, Thursday night dinners, frequent attempts to recruit my sister into the sorority, and anything in between. Truthfully, they were in my life at a time when a lot of things were not going right. I lost my family dog, my husband (boyfriend at the time) lost his grandmother, and then let’s get real… we all experienced 2020. However, the Holmes sisters always knew how to make the darkest of skies a little bit brighter.
Julia and her sister would get on FaceTime and chat just for the sake of catching, leave small gifts on the door step to make you feel loved, we even had a handful of outdoor meet-ups when it was deemed safe to do so. They made the uncertainty more comforting; and as a fresh and wide-eyed adult, it’s all I could ever ask for.
So, when I made the final decision to restart this photography business. I reached out to Julia, not only because her and Addie are beautiful souls inside and out but also because of the comfort and steadfastness I know she brings me. The evening we took these was so fun! I had Julia and Asa doing all of the silly motion prompts. We shared many laughs while catching up, and reminisced on the earlier college years. It was sweet and it was simple; it was authentically them.
Holmes ladies, you will truly never understand how thankful I am for your friendship and the serendipitous timing of your arrival in my life. Thank you for supporting me and for always being there for me and my family.