Small Business Saturday

When — November 2023
Where — Jack’s Creek Farm
What — Family Session

Support Local Businesses

For those of you who may not know, this photography business is my "side" hustle. I put that in air quotes because when I show up for my sessions and for you all, I'm genuinely giving my 110%. Y'all fill my cup in some of the best ways possible. You allow me to dream big, challenge the impossible, play pretend, and leave me forever inspired. Sure being a small business owner comes with its own challenges but you all make it so worth it!

You see, when you book with me, you're not only booking a session to guarantee updated images (very important), but you're supporting my family. Your generosity and steadfastness as clients allows me to provide additional financial income for my family. You give me the opportunity to return the money earned to the community that I live in. I choose to shop locally and support other local businesses, investing in my community. Your bookings are quite literally the gift that keeps on giving.

Thank y'all for being here, thank you for supporting me, and thank you for supporting other small businesses. I hope you continue to choose to shop locally this holiday season!

The images in this blog post are images I've taken for Christmas minis at Jack's Creek Farm! If you love what you see check out their website for a list of their holiday hours and opportunities at their farm! Another way to support and shop locally, especially for a Christmas tree!


The Cash Family with Brody


Breyauna - High School Senior