The Gibby’s are Expecting

When — July 2023
Where — Barnesville, Georgia
What — Family Session

Here Comes Hallie Ruth

“When you are getting ready for work and missing the days of seeing 7 pairs of shoes by the door (in our case it was obnoxious car key rings) remember that Jesus is walking with you and so are the memories that shaped you” - Grace Valentine

Sarah sent me the above quote a couple of weeks after taking her pregnancy announcement photos and it made me all teary eyed. Sarah and I go way back. I first met her during 4-H Camp in Fifth grade and let me tell you… at the time Sarah was far too cool for me. However, Seventh grade rolled around and we had the same classes, the same friends and overtime befriended one another. By Ninth grade we were besties and truthfully nothing has changed since. However, one of the biggest blessings of our friendship was getting to be roommates our Junior year of college.

That house off of First Street taught her and I a lot. It taught us how to show more grace. College is hard. We were are all trying to do our best in school, trying to figure out what we were going to do after graduation, trying to answer those big “what’s next” questions. While we did not have it all figured out (and definitely still don’t), we showed up for one another, we gave the space to let curiosity flow, and we provided support. It taught us how to be intentional with the small stuff. We signed up for weeknight dinner rotations where we took turns feeding everyone supper. Believe it or not, all of us college kids came together at the end of a busy day and sat down at the dinner table. We checked on one another, we dreamed together, and we even occasionally had a healthy debate or two.

The most important lesson learned is that Sarah and I learned the art of steadfastness. Friendships can be hard, they have their challenges and being roommates comes with its own varying levels of uncertainty. While we had our share of disagreements we also had the most wonderful of memories. We were only a hallway away and there were often nights where when we had something going on you’d hear a knock on the door followed up with the offer to get ice-cream and talk about it or to watch Game of Thrones to take your mind off of it. We had our share of fad experiences, we became gym rats, bootcamp enthusiast, and even temporarily attempted running. We celebrated everything imaginable. We laughed, we cried, we learned. We sang along to Corey Smith far too often.

So indeed, like the above quote says… the memories from First Street are very much still with me and have shaped me into the more graceful, more intentional and more steadfast friend that I am. It is those same memories and characteristics learned that I know Sarah is only going to thrive at being Hallie Ruth’s Mama. I simply cannot wait to see the two of them together and their family grow. While we are not a hallway away, we are still always there to celebrate and laugh together.


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