The Eschenbachs
When — June 2023
Where — Sanctuaire Atelier
What — Family Session
Let Them Be Little
Kiddos have this incredible super power of transporting you from the ever present now to magical destinations. Their curiosity, their zest for adventure, their stories, and their point of view make for the sweetest and tenderest of moments. As your child’s photographer I promise to fuel their imagination. I’ll twirl with them as a princess, search for the treasure as a pirate, and show them so much grace and patience. They’re the tiniest humans with the largest souls and minds. Thank you for inviting me into their world and for allowing me to chase magic with them for a little while.
I point out their super powers for all of my mommas out there. Chances are your family session is not going to go as planned. Your toddler may not want to say “cheese”, they may want to run and play, they may not want to stand beside their sibling that day. All of those things are okay. I’ll follow their lead. The results? You may not get multiple “everyone look at the camera and smile” photos; but your gallery will include images of them being their most authentic and most bold selves. themselves.
Even with a family session planned, let them be little.